Finger crossed ! 2022

1 min readJul 28, 2022


Life is like a wheel, however for past these years mine has been stuck hitting the rock bottom. Gained nothing but shame and loss of confidence. Felt worthless and different in the worst circumstance you could have possibly imagined.

This year my wheel has begin to move, slowly but sure.

First term 2022 has been full of surprises and blesses, forever grateful for peoples prayers that always surround me with safety and happiness. One of this year highlights is ticking off one of (unexpected) wishes. At first, never have ever bumped into random thought of fangirling over volleyball (?) athlete (?) from Japan (?)where it all started. Got me thinking that it is sort of God’s sign to strive and never give up on long term aspiration.

Life never gets easier. Likewise, never once looking back and feeling upset for wrongdoings and bad choices made in the past. Might used all luck this year, nevertheless it is not merely coincidence but a cycle of life where everything started to become great again.

2021 was year of acceptance and may 2022 be the year for self- transformation to resilience ones. Physically and mentally built for the better , the unknown future lies ahead , fast paced life, abundant changes. Though, I think i need more time, but time keeps ticking, world keeps spinning it just can not wait. Suck it up like real adult.

Alhamduliah God is good. He always provides what i need the most at the perfect time

