“Open Note to My 24th yo self”

Nov 12, 2020


I want to thank everyone who wish me happiness, great prosperity and good health on my 24th birthday. Your thoughtful messages make my heart so full.. Actually, there are some people i did not expect that eventually DMed me and wished a happy birthday. I did not see that coming, nevertheless their sincerity touches me. Hence, I appreciate long last friendship that i keep to maintain with some people because they help me to grow and take part of every decision that i made.

Thank you All

Before calling it a day, An important reminder to myself when things get rough next year is that:

24 is a big number but life does not stop at 24/25. Age does not define your success. Everyone has different path and journey. Therefore, never compare your life with others because it will reduce your self-esteem and make you feel worthless .

Please be nice with your body, mind, and soul. When things get rough, just accept the emotions that come with it. It is okay to feel disappoint, angry. Cry. Release it all whenever it makes you feel better. You are responsible for what you do to make it hurt less.

Stand tall. Please do not give up so easily because from now on life will be tougher .

I love you with all of my heart — Your 23rd years old self

